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CAFFEINE Magazine - Issue 03

CAFFEINE Magazine - Issue 03

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Caffeine magazine Australia is the trusted guide for aficionados of speciality coffee. We aim to entertain and educate the discerning consumer while supporting the businesses and brands that make this such an innovative and exciting industry.

Every issue is loaded with tips, techniques, reviews and ratings to help coffee enthusiasts get the most out of their obsession.

In this Issue: 

The Grind
Find out what’s new with all things caffeine. Find out how ancient tradition (with some help from an expert) can enhance your tea-drinking experience. Are your reusable coffee cups hiding a dirty little secret?
DON’T MISS our Blind Taste Review... pressure-free edition. Nine fine filter coffees, four experts, one fuss-free guide to your next caffeinated experience.

WTF… is the Maillard reaction?
We’re about to go full science! Grab your lab coat and join us on the road to understanding the chemistry in the cup.

High coffee
Move over, teabags; it’s coffee-time. The now-classy and well-established tradition of foods in miniature has been given a coffee revamp. High
time in our opinion!

Look beyond the spin
With climate change firmly secured on our moral compass, are businesses cynically capitalising on our soft spot for the planet?

Turkish Delight
We hear from our expert barista hustler on how ‘new’ is not always better when it comes to brewing.

Industry news
Learn how coffee is changing the lives of our coffee-growing neighbours in need. Better late than never; the 2020 Australian Coffee Championships finally played out in March 2021, we doff our caps to the winners.

The caffeinated tipple
Whoever said mixing drinks wasn’t a good idea, definitely didn’t know about this bourbon beauty. Mr Black is back to his usual tricks to spice up our coupes.

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